Here are the age groups for which records are kept: - Open (under 35) - Single year age groups up to year age groups from 35 on up. Thus your performance must have been on a certified course in a race for which proper timing procedures were used. Scott Lindell M Wanda Gau W John Van Danacker M Gwen Jacobson W Doug Keller M Ann Haugejorde W Dan Morse M Diane Stoneking W Michael Mann M Kathy Peterson W Norm Purrington M Dorothy Marden W Darrell Christensen M Alan Phillips M 85-89Ģ How to Get Your Name in This Book Open Divisions The fastest 20 performances by Minnesota residents who met the standard in the following: 8K, 10K, 15K, 20K, 25K, 30K, 20 Mile Top 30: 1 Mile, 5K, 10 Mile, Half Marathon, Marathon 35-and-up 5-year Divisions The top 10 performances by Minnesota residents in: 8K, 15K, 20K, 25K, 30K, 20 Mile Top 15: 10K Top 20: 1 Mile, 5K, 10 Mile, Half Marathon, Marathon The USATF Road Running Information Center (RRIC) is interested only in races that can certify that each finisher ran at least the advertised distance in a time at least as fast as that reported.

1 A MINNESOTA RUNNER S YEARBOOK 2019 Dakotah Lindwurm W Open Danny Docherty M Open Angie Williams W Peter Tollefson M Melissa Gacek W Tim Hardy M Kara Parker W Kelly Mortenson M Sonya Decker W W.